Monday, February 17, 2014

Silent song


Twinkling stars were not ready

To go behind the spreading clouds

And moon seemed fighting

Intermittently to show

Its milky whiteness

And my heart was rejoicing

Breathing deeply, as if,

You were close to me.

Cool breeze was blowing


Gently pushing the leaves to sing

And dance with its tune.

But trees covering their bodies

With shawl of darkness

Were almost shivering with cold.

Time had stopped to witness

Nature’s game of hide and seek.

Nearby silver mountains

Were also glittering

With a few bare black spots

Indicating their newness, just as

They had been taken out of mine

And then there was silence

A laudable silence

Everyone could feel

And if had little knowledge of

Nature’s tongue

Would be overjoyed

Hearing that.

Excitement for the moment was at

Its zenith

And my heart was

Wondering in the heavenly

World of dreams, as happy as it should be.

O! Mother, I was reborn in your lap.




The Asian Age, 2001





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